Wednesday, March 28, 2012


The Importance of Night

Thank You for the close of the day where I seek God’s peace for a good night’s rest.
Thank You for walking with me today and leading me on a life full of adventure.
Did I speak kind words to someone I knew was sad or lonely?
Did I check on a parent or a special love one?
Did I give my children quality time?
Did I let God fit in this day’s schedule?
Did I pray without ceasing?
Did I sit still waiting for God to speak or did I just fill the air with my petitions?
As I sit outside watching the animals get still for the night, I thank God because I am so blessed.
A lone star appears in the sky.
A sky that is turning from blue to red to black.
The darkness creeps in like a blanket that covers a small child for warmth and safety at night.
The animals are so still you could hear a pin drop in the grass.
The birds have perched in the trees or went to their nests.
A fish occasionally jumps out of the water to catch a knat.
Dusk covers the earth.
The fireflies twinkle as they light up the night sky.
A full moon sends rays of light thus causing the trees to form shadows that dance on the lake.
How still the earth becomes.
God created night so man could rest from his labors.
How do you use your time at night?
Do you shut out the business of the day and find a quiet place for 30 minutes or do you go full steam ahead until your head hits the pillow.
It is no wonder our nights are filled with tossing and turning.
May I learn to become so still in my mind and body that I can receive the fullness of rest that my body desperately needs to be refreshed for the coming of the dawn of the new day.
Selah (pause and calmly think of that)

Please follow me on twitter @Brenda_Haley and on facebook at Chariot Works

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