Tuesday, March 6, 2012

God's Vision

Please read the following before reading “God's Vision”

The Water Cooler: “The Equalizer Part I”

Comments from anonymous “The Equalizer Part I”

God’s Vision

The above writings bring back memories that are buried deep within. My husband and I held a beautiful baby whose hands touched his shoulders. We looked up to God and said, “Help.” God’s heart melted. He came from His throne to wrap us in his arms of love, comfort, and joy. He answered our prayer in ways that were truly beyond our comprehension. He gave us strength to endure. He removed the word can’t from our vocabulary. He taught us about family, what truly matters, and how trusting Him, believing Him, and having faith to move mountains are all within our grasp if we choose to walk with Him.

We see the miracles of God when the sun and moon rise, when spring turns to summer, and when we hold a new baby. Do we set back and take all these things for granted? Most of us would say that we do. When God changes your direction in life and you wake up wondering why you were chosen to receive and care for such a special gift, you realize how much God loves because he chose you to be the parents of this amazing bundle of joy.

So, I ask you what vision did God have for you? Did He already know when He created you whether you would serve, trust, and follow Him, or would you love the world avoiding the beauty and challenges of life.

God had a vision for you. Seek Him and discover what journey He had in store for you. It will be a joy ride that you have never taken before.

Please follow me on twitter @Brenda_Haley and on facebook at Chariot Works

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